Friday, May 7, 2010

Important Eric Byrnes Update...

...he's joining his buddy's softball league. No, really, he is. The link is right here.

I gotta be honest - I think this is awesome. If I had $11 million and then lost my job, I would fly my college buddies out to Seattle to play bball every weekend.


  1. Sounds like good use of your money. Nic Cage and Evander Holy field would be proud.

  2. An update on Byrnes: He apparently has been hired by the Brooklyn Cyclones as a Public Relations assistant. How is this even a paid job? Sounds more like a Summer Internship.

  3. Seriously. He better not be paid for that. And I have to ask, why Brooklyn? The guy is a CA guy - were there no minor league teams out there willing to give him an internship?
